Monday 7 October 2019

Booksmart film research


The film Booksmart is overall review is 7.3 starts out of 10 on IMDB.

These are some reviews from IMDB

  •  2/10
    Not Funny At All
    shannonryan-943492 June 2019
    20 minutes into the movie I was squirming in my seat, like I was waiting for algebra class to end. It just felt forced and was not funny or clever at all. Couldn't wait for the movie to end, wasn't a bad movie, just wasn't funny at all, which is what I came for.

  •  9/10
    Well I liked it
    ashallj29 May 2019
    I found this to be funny and smart and don't think it got a great promotion considering the number of reviews comparing it to Superbad. (It's not Superbad because it's 2019, oh and also because it's a different movie) Billie Lourde has some excellent line reading in this. It's bizarre and surreal and that's just the way I like my comedy.

  •  1/10
    I am baffled by the high rating.
    kate_mcshane28 May 2019
    We did not leave this movie but I wish that we had. While there were several strong performances the movie was trite and there were very few laughs. Had it been a simplistic story that did not engage emotionally paired with a lot of goofy humor I would understand why some enjoyed it. And of course, few laughs plus a genuine and clever story would have worked as well. This movie delivers neither. It was both tiresome and tiring.

  •  1/10
    Hollywood garbage, ignore the critics
    raybeez224 May 2019
    I heard comparisons to American Graffiti and Dazed and Confused, two teen coming of age films firmly based in reality, However, you can tell within the first few minutes that this film is pure Hollywood fantasy, from the overt "diversity" stunt casting and political agenda ( you can see it plastered all over the film), the contrived comedically "punched up" dialog, and finally, the over performed acting jobs that you can see coming at you like a freight train. I wouldn't compare it the great coming of age teen films, its more reminiscent of forgotten teen flicks like "I Love You, Beth Cooper" (2009) films with high ambitions that fall way short...

    Its garbage.

  •  1/10
    Oh please...
    info-1238820 May 2019
    You'd think by now that IMDB could discern the difference between studio shills and real reviews - after all, the former are easy enough to see: first time reviews, 10-star ratings, wildly enthusiastic descriptions of how completely, utterly amazing and fabulous this "new classic" is.

    Give it a break, okay? This thing was lamely predictable, sadly written, unfortunately acted. It was a by-the-numbers story, bereft of originality and humour, It will no doubt disappear within a couple of weeks, get a little blip on its BluRay release, then mercifully become yet another footnote in cinematic history.

Thursday 3 October 2019

Todorov's theory in our get off my land recreation


They are walking through a field like normal people and everything is normal

The farmer stops them and walks towards them

The boy and the girl spots the farmer and they start to speak to them

They start arguing with the farmer and the boy starts a fight on the farmer so the farmer goes to his car and grabs a gun. He then shoots the boy and the girl starts crying so he shoots her too.

Everything goes back to normal but the boy and the girl are dead

(Post 12) Storyboard [UNFINISHED]

 This is not yet finished